Dufton conservation area

Designation of Dufton conservation area

Most of Dufton village was designated as a conservation area on 27 June 2005.

A revised Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan (see below) was adopted on 16 June 2020.

Description of Dufton village

Dufton lies in the foothills of the North Pennines with the conical Dufton Pike close by. It is situated just inside the boundary of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The wide village green has farmsteads facing onto it with crofts and a back lane with strip fields beyond. Almost one third of the oldest surviving buildings date from the 17th and early 18th centuries. To the south of the village lies Dufton Gill, semi-natural ancient woodland, now owned and managed by the Woodland Trust. The area around Dufton and particularly Dufton Gill is littered with the remains of St Bees sandstone quarries. This sandstone has been widely used in the construction of buildings and boundary walls, giving the whole area a distinct character.

Conservation area character appraisal and management plan

Read the Dufton Conservation Area Character Appraisal (PDF: 2Mb / 51 pages)

Map of Dufton conservation area boundary

View the Dufton conservation area boundary on Your Area online mapping.

Related links

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.