Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan area referendum result

Declaration of result of poll for Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan area referendum

I, Paul Graham Foote, as the Counting Officer for Eden District Council at the Referendum held on 7 March 2013 under the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) Regulations 2012, do hereby give notice that the result of votes cast is as follows:

Result of votes cast at Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan area referendum
Description Votes
Total number of votes cast 1,452
Number cast in favour of a "YES" 1,310
Number cast in favour of a "NO" 138
Turnout 33.67%

Total number of spoilt votes

Details of spoilt votes
The number of Ballot Papers rejected was as follows Votes
Want of Official Mark 0
Voting more times than the voter was entitled to 1
Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified 1
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 2
Rejected in part 0
Total number of Spoilt Votes 4

I do hereby declare that more than half of those voting have voted in favour of the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan.


P G Foote
Counting Officer

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.