Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) list
See alphabetical list of the Tree Preservation Orders in Eden, their reference number, date made, status and location of each Tree Preservation Order.
Tree preservation orders
A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order. It protects designated trees, groups of trees, or woodlands against damage or removal.
Trees in conservation areas
Conservation areas are designated by the Local Planning Authority in areas of special architectural or historic interest.
Protection of retained trees
Protection of retained trees during development provides information on common damage to trees, and also information on root systems and their protection.
How trees are protected
Trees that are protected by Tree Preservation Orders, or are located in Conservation Areas, may not be pruned, lopped, or felled, without appropriate consent.
Overgrown trees and hedges
Overgrown trees and hedges can cause problems by blocking out light, or overhanging a boundary into a neighbour's garden, or over the road or pavement.
Trees FAQs
For more information on trees in gardens, trees subject to tree preservation orders, work on trees and dead or dangerous trees.
Council owned trees
We look after many trees in parks and public open spaces and carry out an annual programme of management and planting work.
Trees on council land cutting request form
Use this form to request the cutting back of trees on council land.
Diseased trees
Report Ash dieback disease, along with any other dangerous tree pests and diseases, to the Forestry Commission.
Hazardous and fallen trees
Responsibility for hazardous or fallen trees depends where a tree falls. We are only responsible for trees that fall in areas that we maintain.
Tree work contractor
Advice and guidance about employing a tree work contractor, including qualifications and insurance to do work on trees.
Hedgerow removal notice
Anyone proposing to remove a hedgerow, or part of a hedgerow, covered by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997, must apply for permission to do so.
Donate a tree
Donate a tree for £40, which we can plant in the memory of a loved one, or for environmental or other reasons.