Local land and property gazetteer

The local land and property Gazetteer (LLPG) is where all the addresses in Westmorland and Furness are located.

Maintaining the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG)

We look after the official address database in Westmorland and Furness. We also assign house and building names or numbers and street names.

This database is the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG). This list contains all the addresses in the area. This allows for the delivery of goods and services to to the properties by many service operators.

The address database is updated each day to make sure that all the addresses are accurate.

Go to Find My Address to find the official address or unique property reference number (UPRN) for every property in Great Britain.

Go to 'Street Naming and Numbering' to find out how to apply for a new address, or how to update an existing address.

The addresses in the LLPG feed into the National Address Gazetteer (NAG).

National Address Gazetteer

GeoPlace is the central source for UK addresses and streets. They combine the address databases with information from other government agencies. The National Address Gazetteer. This a list of every address in England and Wales, AddressBase. This allows companies and businesses deliver efficient services throughout the country.

It is this address database which the emergency services and other government agencies use to help deliver the goods and services which you or your property need.

GeoPlace work with local authorities to improve address data. This helps assure data quality, completeness and accuracy. This produces a single source for all addressing and street data.

Go to 'Bringing location to life' on the GeoPlace website to find out more about the LLPG and NAG.

Go to British Standard 7666 on GeoPlace website to find more about its impact on local councils.

Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA)

This is an agreement between public sector bodies and Ordnance Survey, formerly the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA). This is an agreement is to supply regular updates of addresses by us to GeoPlace. This forms the AddressBase products. We are part of this agreement, so provide the latest address and street data for Eden District.

Go to 'AddressBase' on the Ordnance Survey website to find out more.

Go to Public Sector Geospatial Agreement on the Ordnance Survey website to find out more.

Data Co-operation Agreement (DCA)

We are also part of the Data Co-operation Agreement (DCA). This is an agreement between local authorities in England and Wales and GeoPlace. The DCA is a binding agreement. It supports the creation and maintenance of the national address database.

Go to the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement on the GeoPlace website to find out more about the data co-operation agreement.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.