Things to consider when making a planning application

Every application requires different information to be provided in order for the Planning Officer to make an assessment and decision on the proposal. Here are some useful points to bear in mind when considering making an application: 


Your neighbours' planning applications are publicised and so your neighbours are likely to be notified of any application you submit. Approach your neighbours prior to submitting an application and identify any areas of concern they may have. This may avoid difficulties and delays later in the planning process. Check to see if there are any applications near you in the postcode property search.

Design and access

Different styles suit different properties and locations. For guidance on the design of development see the Eden Design Summary (PDF: 140Kb / 25 pages).

For guidance on how to design the correct access route and produce an appropriate accompanying statement see Design and Access Statements (PDF: 120 Kb / 4 pages).


You should make sure that the intensity and direction of any light fittings do not disturb others and that security lights with passive infra-red detectors or timing devices are not triggered by passing traffic or pedestrians.

Listed buildings

Some buildings are listed because of their special architectural or historic interest. Alterations to these structures may require listed building consent.

Read about listed buildings on Historic England website.


Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) protect some trees. Also protected are trees in conservation areas.

Conservation areas

Conservation areas are designated where it is considered desirable to preserve or enhance the character of the area. They have added protection against poor or inappropriate development and certain works may require Conservation Area consent. We are responsible for designated Conservation Areas. For a list of all designated areas in the district, see the Conservation Areas list.

Protected species

Certain species, such as bats and barn owls, are protected by law and so their presence must be ascertained before development commences on a site.

Find out more on protected sites and species on GOV.UK.

Biodiversity net gain

The Environment Act 2021 introduces a series of amendments to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which legally require certain types of development to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). Please find our current guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain here: Biodiversity net gain planning advice.

Planning policies

Local, regional and national planning policy will determine the way your application will be considered. To find out more, go to Planning Policy for Eden.


The Highways Department of Cumbria County Council examines the effect of a proposal on highway capacity issues, design and suitability of junction and highway layouts, and parking and service delivery arrangements. For further information, please contact Capita Symonds, Cumbria Highways, Skirsgill Highways Depot, Skirsgill, Penrith CA10 2BQ, or telephone the highways hotline on 0300 303 2992.


Development on floodplains is strictly controlled. See flood risk assessment for planning applications on GOV.UK.

Contaminated land

The historic and current land uses can have a significant impact on development. See contamination land on GOV.UK.

Shopfront and advertisement design

The Shopfront and Advertisement Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out guidance for the design of shopfronts and advertisements across the whole of Eden district, except for areas inside the Lake District National Park.

Shopfront and Advertisement Design SPD (PDF 1.48Mb / 33 pages) is used to determine planning applications.

Major applications - planning performance agreements (PPA)

If a proposal is large and complex we operate a Development Team approach where a meeting can be arranged so that all of the relevant officers can be present. Planning Performance Agreements (PPA) are seen by the Government as a means of speeding up the delivery of large scale applications, and applicants submitting major planning applications within Eden will be expected to enter into a Planning Performance Agreement with us. More details can be found in our PPA Charter and a template is also available below:

Last updated: Thursday, 2 May, 2024.