Lazonby Parish Adopted Neighbourhood Plan

Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan

The Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan referendum took place on 17 October 2019. As the referendum was successful, the plan now forms part of the Development Plan for Eden District and will be used to guide land use and development proposals within Lazonby Parish until 2032.

The above documents are also available for inspection at the following locations:

Decision on the modifications to the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 18)

2 July 2019: Our Executive Committee decided to put in place the modifications to the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan recommended by the Examiner. The Decision Statement sets out the decision, the reasons for it and the modifications needed to the draft Plan.

The Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan will now proceed to referendum, where residents of Lazonby parish will vote to decide whether we will use the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan to help determine planning applications within Lazonby parish.

Read the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (PDF: 464Kb / 17 pages), including a schedule of the proposed modifications.

Draft Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan: Examination (Regulation 17)

John Slater, BA (Hons) DMS MRTPI, undertook the appointment on 31 July 2018 to carry out the examination of the Lazonby Neighbourhood Development Plan.

22 August 2018: The Independent Examiner issued his initial comments on the submission version of the Lazonby Neighbourhood Development Plan, inviting us, Lazonby Parish Council and Hesket Parish Council to respond as appropriate.

17 October 2018: We submitted a combined response to the initial comments/queries of the Independent Examiner.

Our response to John Slater's Initial Comments (PDF: 2Mb / 33 pages).

30 October 2018: John Slater issued a document entitled ‘Further Comments of the Independent Examiner’, confirming that the examination was likely to proceed via the way of written representations and that he would endeavour to complete his report by the end of November 2018.

Further Comments of the Independent Examiner (PDF: 154Kb / 2 pages)

12 December 2018: The Independent Examiner issued his report on the examination of the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan. The report concludes that the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum, subject to amendments to the Plan in line with the Examiner's recommended modifications required to ensure the Plan meets the basic conditions.

Final Report to us on the Examination of the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Version (PDF: 124Kb / 25 pages)

Draft Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 consultation (Regulation 16)

The Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan 2014–2029 was open for public consultation (under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012) for 6 weeks from Monday, 28 May 2018.

We redacted some of the following consultation documents to remove personal information only:

Alternatively, paper copies are available for inspection at:

Following the consultation, the draft Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan, associated documents and the responses received during the consultation period were sent to an independent Inspector to be examined. If the Examiner approves the Plan, it will then go to a local referendum. Once adopted, the Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the statutory Local Development Plan for Eden and will constitute a material consideration in future planning matters in the Lazonby Parish area.

Consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 14)

The Lazonby Neighbourhood Plan 2014–2029 was open for public consultation (under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012) for 6 weeks from Monday, 17 July 2017.

When submitting the draft Plan and its associated documents to us for the Regulation 16 Consultation process to begin, we discovered that it was not sent to all Statutory Consultees listed under Regulation 15 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. We consulted those missing Consultees for a further 6-week period between 19 February 2018 and 2 April 2018.


The first stage in developing a neighbourhood plan is to choose the 'neighbourhood area' which it will cover. Approval of a Neighbourhood Area application from Lazonby Parish Council took place on 18 September 2014, after a six-week consultation period, which ended on Wednesday, 17 September 2014. Lazonby Parish Council now has the right to produce their own Neighbourhood Plan or Neighbourhood Development Orders.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.