Listed buildings

What are listed buildings?

A 'listed building' is a building, object, or structure that has a special architectural or historic interest. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport record these in a statutory list. Historic England are responsible for the listing system.

We have over 1,600 listed buildings in Eden (outside the National Parks). Many others are protected because they are within the curtilage of a listed building. The statutory list includes a description of each building. It may refer to some, but not all, of the important features of a historic building. Listing applies to every part of a building, even if it is not included in the description. This includes the interior and any later alterations or additions.

Read more about listed buildings on Historic England's website.

How do I find out if a building is listed?

There are two ways to check if listing applies to your property:

What do the grades mean?

The listing procedure classifies buildings into grades of relative importance.

  • Grade I means buildings are of exceptional national interest. These account for about 2% of all listed buildings nation-wide.

  • Grade II* means buildings are of particular importance. These account for about 4% of all listed buildings.

  • Grade II are buildings of special interest.

The statutory controls on alterations apply to all listed buildings, whatever their grade.

What are the effects of listing?

You need consent for alterations, or an extension, that may affect the architectural or historic character of the building. You need our consent to demolish a listed building. You may also need other consents, such as:

  • planning permission,

  • advertisement consent, or

  • building regulation approval

It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a listed building without prior listed building consent (even if you were not aware of its listing). To do this could lead to a large fine, or imprisonment.

Contact Development Management for advice, as the need for consent is not always a straightforward issue. The listed building consent process is very similar to the planning process and you will need to fill in listed building consent application forms and supply plans and details as necessary.

See planning application forms.

Further guidance on listed buildings

Consult the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on GOV.UK for additional detailed guidance on listed buildings and alterations.

Read about listed building content on the Planning Portal.

Find out how to appeal a listed building consent decision on GOV.UK.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.