Milburn conservation area

Designation of Milburn conservation area

The central part of Milburn village was designated as a conservation area on 8 May 1975.

Description of Milburn

Milburn nestles at the eastern edge of the Eden Valley, within the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The village lies at the foot of Cross Fell, the highest mountain in the Pennine range. Its buildings, mainly of sandstone, are arranged around the wide village green in a fortified layout with access only at the four corners. In lawless times this layout made it more easily defendable from marauders. Animals could be herded onto the green between the safety of the houses and the road could be gated. The area is predominated by farming and the village green has been used as common land for centuries with many residents still retaining grazing rights. Just outside the village is Howgill Castle, a Grade I listed building which dates from the 14th century. Its original walls are 10.5 feet thick, and incorporate garderobes (a primitive toilet), stairs, and mural passages.

Map of Milburn conservation area boundary

View the Milburn conservation area boundary on Your Area online mapping.

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Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.