Rights of way
A right of way is legally a highway and anyone can use them at any time. There are different types of rights of way, for walking, riding, cycling and driving.
Read rights of way and accessing land on GOV.UK to find out about rights of access.
With the introduction of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW), you can walk freely on mapped areas of mountain, moor, heath, down and registered common land without having to stick to paths.
See open access land: management, rights and responsibilities on GOV.UK.
Rights of way definitive map
Cumbria County Council are the Highway Authority responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the public rights of way network in Cumbria. The definitive map shows the alignment and status of public rights of way in Cumbria.
Cumbria public rights of way definitive Map.
Footpath diversion orders
As a planning authority we have the power to deal with applications to divert or stop up (close) public rights of way under s.257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, where the diversion/stopping up is to enable development which has been (or would be) granted planning permission. However, we must be satisfied that it is necessary for any path to be diverted or extinguished.
Use the guidance notes and application forms below if you wish to apply to divert a footpath under s.257.
s.257 Application Form (Word Document: 180Kb / 6 pages)
s.257 Application Form (PDF: 206Kb / 6 pages) -
s.257 Guidance Notes Word Document: 390Kb / 8 pages)
s.257 Guidance Notes (PDF: 339Kb / 8 pages)
Telephone the number below for further information on a s.257 footpath diversion and stopping up orders.