Local, family and house history

George David's family group photographIf you are researching your family or house history in this area, Penrith and Eden Museum has local photographic and archive collections that may help you.

Contact the curators to request a search of the collections database.

Searching cemetery records

Contact the Bereavement Services office to request a search of the cemetery records for any of the five cemeteries in Eden.

Cumberland and Westmorland local, family and house history

For other major resources for Cumberland and Westmorland local, family and house history see:

United Kingdom family history

Research your family history using the General Register Office on GOV.UK for English and Welsh family history.

FreeBMD website is a free index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales.

ScotlandsPeople website is the official Scottish Government site for searching government records and archives.

Irish Genealogy website is a website that allows users the opportunity to search a wide range of record sources in their search of their Irish Ancestry.

Cumberland and Westmorland military history

Cumbria's Museum Military Life, is within the walls of Carlisle Castle, it covers 300 years of military history and has information about the Cumbrian regiments.

Visit Cumbria's Museum Military Life website for more details.

Local History Societies

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.