Fireworks and bonfires

Bonfire Night - keep safe and sound

Bonfire Night is a time to have enjoyment and fun with family and friends. However it is important to remember that both bonfires and fireworks are dangerous and acting irresponsibly can have devastating consequences, always follow the fireworks code.

Fireworks Code

  • Only buy fireworks marked BS 7114.
  • Don't drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
  • Keep fireworks in a closed box.
  • Follow the instructions on each firework.
  • Light them at arm's length, using a taper.
  • Stand well back.
  • Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn't gone off, it could still explode.
  • Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them.
  • Always supervise children around fireworks.
  • Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves.
  • Never give sparklers to a child under five.
  • Keep pets indoors.
  • Don't let off noisy fireworks after 11pm.

It is illegal to set off fireworks after 11pm (except on 5 November when they can be used up to midnight; and New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali when they can be used up to 1am the following day.)

Fireworks frighten animals

See pets and fireworks on the RSPCA website for advice on what to do to protect and help your pet when fireworks are being let off.

Read more on fireworks:


Garden bonfires: the rules on GOV.UK gives advice before lighting a bonfire, whether it's to get rid of garden waste or part of a celebration, such a Bonfire night, why not find out how to do it safely. Remember bonfires may upset you neighbours.

Remember: Smoke from bonfires can be classified as a nuisance.

Guidance for community bonfires and fireworks

Celebrating with bonfires and fireworks on GOV.UK produced by Department for Communities and Local Government gives advice for organisers on planning, safety and cleaning up after the event.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.