Immigration inspection

People moving to live in Eden district area from a country outside the European Union must confirm that:

  • They are moving into accommodation that is of suitable standard, and;
  • The accommodation will not become overcrowded by their arrival.

If a person is coming from abroad to live in the area they will have a named individual who is acting as their sponsor. The Immigration Authority will ask this sponsor for proof that the property is suitable. To gain this proof you will need to have an inspection of the property. A qualified and experienced competent person carries out the inspection. The survey ensures that the accommodation meets the following criteria:

  • The minimum housing standard under the Housing Act 2004.
  • Is free from Category 1 Hazards under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System.
  • Is in a reasonable state of repair.
  • Has enough space to accommodate both the existing occupiers and
  • any more people who propose to live there.

Our Environmental Health Officer Housing can carry out these inspections. When we carry out an inspection, we will ask to see:

  • Documentation from the Immigration Authorities to show that an application is being processed. This might be a letter or form from the relevant High Commission showing the applicants name.
  • If you own the property:
    • The title deeds,
    • Mortgage statement, or correspondence from your mortgage provider.
  • If you rent the property:
    • A current tenancy agreement, and;
    • A utility bill in your name at the address in question.
    • If there is a gas supply then a copy of an up to date Gas Safe Certificate.

If you would like an immigration inspection, complete and return an application for an immigration accommodation certificate form (PDF: 406 Kb / 7 pages)  application for an immigration accommodation certificate form (Word: 46 Kb / 7 pages) and an Officer will be in contact shortly.

Last updated: Thursday, 9 May, 2024.