Care alarms

A care alarm is a device that you wear either on your wrist or on a cord about your neck. The care alarm works with telecare equipment and your phone line to connect you to a support centre. The care alarm has a button you can press if you fall or feel unwell or in danger. If you press the button on the care alarm, a member of staff at the support centre will speak to you through a speaker on the telecare equipment. Care alarms are for elderly, disabled and vulnerable people to use in their own homes, 24 hours a day.

Careium provide care alarm service in Eden and other equipment to aid independent living.

See contact details on the Careium website.

Independent advice service for older people

FirstStop provide independent advice for older people, which is free to them, their families and carers. FirstStop aims to help older people make informed decisions about their housing options, support and help them to maintain independent living in later life.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.