Delivering affordable housing in Eden

We work closely with housing developers, Housing Associations, landowners, Parish Councils, local communities, and funding agencies, such as the Homes England, to bring forward new affordable homes

Our policy on affordable housing

We have adopted a proactive policy approach towards maximising the delivery of affordable housing. Key Policy documents include:

Community led housing

Community led housing is about local people playing a leading and lasting role in solving housing problems, creating affordable homes and strong communities in ways that are difficult to achieve through mainstream housing. 

Find our more about community-led housing schemes and available funding opportunities

Affordable self-build

Self-build housing offers an alternative to standard housing options, enabling the builder to design and tailor their own home to their specific needs. Anyone, from first time buyers to current home owners, have the opportunity to create innovative, greener and more affordable homes than currently offered through standard housing options. 

Find out more about building your own home

Development of rural exception sites

In certain circumstances, sites in rural areas (outside of the Key Hubs and Smaller Villages and Hamlets) that would not be suitable for market-led housing, may receive permission for affordable housing to meet an identified local need.

To qualify for rural exceptions housing, the site must be in a location considered suitable for the development of affordable housing. You will need to give evidence why the scheme’s benefits to the locality are such that it justifies an exception to policy.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.