Air quality FAQs

What is local air quality management (LAQM)?

Under The Environment Act 1995, all Councils must monitor air quality in their area against national objectives and report the results to the Government. We declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) where air quality is likely to fail to meet the objectives set out in the National Air Quality Strategy.

What kind of air pollution do we monitor?

There are several pollutants of concern; the most common kind of air pollution that Councils, including Eden monitor, is nitrogen dioxide.

Where does nitrogen dioxide come from?

The biggest source of nitrogen dioxide is the exhaust from cars and lorries, but it also comes from power stations and other types of combustion.

Where do we carry out monitoring?

We mostly monitor alongside busy roads, or on narrow congested streets, where air pollution is likely to be worse. We also monitor at several 'background' locations, for example, away from busy roads, or in rural areas.

What happens if air pollution is higher than the national objectives?

We declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), where we require action to manage air pollution and prevent deterioration.

What happens in an AQMA?

Councils have to take steps to improve air quality in an AQMA. We aim to produce an action plan within 18 months of the declaration of an AQMA. Many actions required to reduce pollution levels are beyond our direct control. We will work with other organisations, such as Cumbria County Council and the Highways Authority, towards the necessary controls. We will also monitor the effectiveness of the measures we take to improve the air quality in the AQMA.

Are there any other AQMAs in the UK?

Yes, there are more than 500 AQMAs in the UK.

Will an AQMA affect the value of my property?

There is no evidence that being in an AQMA affects property values. The AQMA is a positive step, as it means we take action to improve air quality. Declaring an AQMA is not an optional process for a Council.

How might poor air quality affect my health?

If your health is good, you are unlikely to have any serious short-term effects. It is more likely to affect people with lung diseases, or heart conditions, as they have lower resistance to infections, such as influenza.

Where can I get further health information?

Air quality and public health from Defra on GOV.UK provide further information.

Are exhaust emissions from cars and lorries getting worse?

Exhaust emissions from traffic in the UK are generally falling, and should continue to fall, as newer vehicles with tighter emission standards replace older vehicles that pollute more. Levels in the UK have fallen by almost 60% in the last 15 years, due to a reduction in pollution from power stations and road traffic.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.