Council tax reduction
Are you entitled to a council tax reduction?
You may be entitled to a council tax reduction if your net weekly income is less than the figures quoted.
How we calculate a Council Tax reduction
If you are in receipt of benefits, you may be entitled to a reduction for Council Tax you pay.
Applicable amount table
Your applicable amount is the amount the Government says that you and your family need to live on each week.
Council tax reduction temporary absence
Council tax reductions may be claimed if you are absent from home for between 13 to 52 weeks.
Backdating your Council Tax reduction
Council tax reduction may be backdated up to 3 months from the date of the original claim.
Apply for Council Tax reduction
Make an application for a reduction on the council tax reduction claim form.
Change of circumstances
A change of circumstances that affects you, your partner, or your household may affect your Council Tax Reduction.
Non-dependant deductions from council tax reduction
Non-dependant deductions may be taken from your council tax reduction if you have a person over 18 living with you.
Legal definition of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme
There are six classes of person entitled to council tax reduction. Each have a number of qualifying criteria.
Council tax reduction - rights of appeal
Appeal against a council tax reduction decision. You can do this online or in writing.
Alternative council tax reduction
A council tax reduction can be claimed by someone living with a person who is disregarded for council tax, such as a student.
Awarded too much council tax reduction
An example would be if a claimant failed to tell us that their income had increased.