Licensing Act 2003
About the Licensing Act 2003
The Licensing Act 2003 regulates the sale and supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.
Club premises certificate
Club Premises Certificate: licensable activities, for example, the supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment
Personal licence
A personal licence allows an individual to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol.
Premises licence
Premises licence: authorises licensable activities at specific premises
Licensing Act 2003 premises licence annual maintenance fee payment form
Use this form to pay your Licensing Act 2003 premises licence annual maintenance fee.
Licensing Act 2003 application forms
Licensing Act 2003 application forms in PDF and Microsoft word format.
Licensing Act 2003 guidance documents
Guidance Notes relating to Licensing Act 2003 Premises and Personal Licences and Temporary Event Notices
Temporary Event Notice
Temporary Event Notice given by an individual and authorises the premises user to conduct one or more licensable activities for no more than 168 hours.