E.coli O157 Butcher's guide

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has produced information aimed at food businesses who handle both raw and ready to eat foods, including butchers. FSA have produced a film on E.coli available free of charge as a DVD or to view online at E.coli O157 - A butchers' guide to staying safe on You Tube.

The DVD has been launched as part of the FSA's response to the report of the Public Inquiry into the outbreak of E.coli O157 in Wales in 2005. The report focuses on:

  • The threat E.coli O157 poses to businesses and their customers.
  • The importance of separation in controlling cross-contamination.
  • The role of documented food safety management procedures.

Food businesses will still need their documented food safety procedures, but the DVD can be used as a motivational tool to help get food safety messages across to staff. You can order a copy of the DVD from the FSA on 020 7276 8829 or email foodstandards@ecgroup.co.uk.

As a result of the same E.coli O157 Public Inquiry, further guidance on reducing the risk to food safety from E.coli O157 has been issued. This information is distributed by our food safety staff in the course of their routine inspection visits and online see E.coli O157: control of cross-contamination on Food Standards Agency website. The web page links to a short 4 page summary, and also to the full guidance document.

If you have any questions about E.coli O157, the DVD or the guidance documents, please contact us.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.