Burial and grave details

You can view the burial and grave details for all five of our active cemeteries at our Bereavement Services Office in Mansion House, Penrith.  The office is open Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 9.45am. To view the records outside the opening hours, please make an appointment. If you plan to search for a name/grave, there is a cost for searching the records.

Cemetery fees and charges sets out the cost of a search and other Bereavement Services.

Searching the records on your behalf

If you need us to search the records for you, please contact the Bereavement Services Office on the details below.  You will need to let us know as much as you can about the records you are looking for. Please be aware there is a charge for this service.

General Register Office (GRO) lets you apply online for copies of deaths certificates.

Registration offices may also be able to help you with obtaining copies of certificates.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.